Entry news up to September 2001
Paul Duvall goes mad, and survives!
Paul survived a sponsored skydive on Friday 18 May, and says he felt like a dog with two tails when he landed. We hope to
get a full report soon. You can be sure he will be chasing up payment at the do!
Mick Turner gets Licensed.
Congratulations to Mick, who just got his CAA Engineers airframe license.
Entry Secretary
Bob Simmons has volunteered to be the initial Entry Secretary for the RAF Halton Aircraft Apprentices Association. This is
mainly to act as a point of contact/coordination, nothing too formal. There is a link to the association on the links
page if you want to know more, and the events page has some information on the Triennial Reunion planned for September.
Reunion 2001
About half of those that passed out have confirmed they are coming to the reunion, with a fistful of wives as well. It will
be interesting to see who has retained the most hair, and who is keeping on top of the good living !! As we expect
a lot of questions about the occaision, we have set up a FAQ page. If there is anything else you want to ask, drop us a line.
If you haven't been in touch, but still want to come, let us know - stragglers are welcome.
A Tree?
On Wednesday 13 September 2000, the Halton Apprentice Beech Tree Grove was opened at the National Arboretum Memorial at Alrewas
near Litchfield. It was a Millennium project. In early 1999, The RAF Halton Apprentices Association publicised
this project - the long and the short of it was that entry's could buy a tree to be planted in an Apprentices memorial. Enquiries
revealed that the 132nd had not taken up the offer. Three of us, Bob Simmons, Ted Peacock and Jim Holmes, had
a whip round, and came up with the required sum, and bought a tree. Actually Ted and Jim were conned into buying a tree they
still haven't seen, believing it cost 25 Quid! Proof is in the post - Honest. A plaque at the memorial shows
the participating entries, and we are assured that the 132nd is included.
More Photo's
Thanks to Mike Wain for some new photo's. Do you remember the Spud challenge, that crazy bunch of Bikers at John O'Groats,
and more. Check out the pictures page. Mike also aims to make us green with envy, by suggesting a link to his personal
site, so we can all see him working his way around the world (Links Page).

Latest Discoveries
Steve Johnson has come in from the cold. This means that all class 6 members are accounted for now. He was one of a couple
that responded to a mailshot via Innsworth. Carl Redding also found us out surfin' late one night recently. He
tells us that he is now working as an artist, and we now have a link to his site, so you can look at his work. Pete
Spinney made contact on 4th April for the first time. He left the mob a while ago, and after a stint in Saudi, ended up running
a couple of pubs.
A CAA Licence ?
The CAA is transitioning to the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) Engineer Licencing system, and will not be able to give credit
for UK armed services training, experience and qualifications after May 2001, except for light aircraft. So if
you've been thinking about it, get your application in quick. If Bob Simmons, Tony Pool and Andy Wright can get their licences,
anyone can!
CAA Licence Exemption Details
The Sad News
We have been informed that three of our entry have sadly died since leaving Halton. Iain Culross - 1983 Larry
McWilliams - 1994 Ken McAlpine - 1999 May they rest in peace.
Newsletter 2
Newsletter 2