Phil left the mob in '91 following a tour on Hercs. He now works for a German furniture company that was relocating
to his area at the time. Phil has been their Factory Manager since then, doing a bit of Industrial Zone management on
the side!
Having recently given up rugby, he stays in shape playing 5-a-side and squash (that's more than some of us did when we
were together in Buck's). He is married with a young daughter and admits to having dabbled with a number of cars from
a TR4 and TR7 to a Royale sports 2000.
Iain Higgins nearly volunteers to arrange a get-together
Iain let it slip that he may be interested in organising the next do. If you want to join in, let us know.
We didn't get too much of a response from our last communication - we can't be that old yet! Drop us a line with ideas
or just to register interest.
Have you moved ?
Now that we've done our time...... it's likely some of us may be moving. Don't forget to let us know your new contact