Site last updated 20 October 2006
The purpose of this site is primarily to keep members of the 132nd entry RAF Halton in touch with each other.
Simmons administers the site, so any comments or contributions should be sent to him using the link on the contact page.
110 of us arrived at Halton in November 1978, wondering what we had let ourselves in for. Three years later, 80 passed out.
It is always interesting to catch up with the news when we occasionally bump into each other, 25 years later. The site could
be used to pass on anything of interest.
So what are we up to now? A handful are senior neddies, a number hold the
rank of Captain of Industry. Some remain content fixing violent green aircraft, and others are doing completely different
We have contact details for most of us now, and are happy to pass on contacts etc. Let us know if you bump
into any of the 10 missing guys, and drop us a line if you want to make contact, or have any material for the site.